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Dein Casida-Team 💚

Essential oils & aromatherapy

Baderezepte mit ätherischen Ölen

5 recipes for a full bath with essential oils - for a relaxing Advent season

Do you feel the same way? It feels like it hasn't even really been fall yet and we're already in ...
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Johanniskrautöl Wirkung - Johanniskrautöl von Casida aus der Apotheke

St. John's wort oil effect

St. John's wort has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. The leaves and flowers of...
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Hausmittel bei Blasenentzündung

Positive effect of essential oils against hospital germs

The fight against multi-resistant germs has become one of the main problems on the health agenda,...
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Nelkenöl bei Zahnschmerzen

Clove oil for toothache

Clove oil contains a high proportion of eugenol, which has been used in dentistry for many years....
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Duftöle für Diffuser

Fragrance oils for diffusers - how to choose the right ones

There are countless scented oils for diffusers and scented lamps available for room scenting. But...
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Ätherische Öle gegen Mücken Casida naturreines ätherische Öl

Essential oils against mosquitoes

The more the summer progresses, the more annoying the little pests become - who hasn't experience...
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Wunderbaum im Auto? Natürliche Alternativen

Miracle tree in the car? Natural alternatives are better

For many people, it's hard to imagine everyday life without a car. As we spend several times a da...
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Blogbilder neu

Cleaning the aroma diffuser - here's how!

If the aroma diffuser has not just been bought new, all the vaporized essential oils will build u...
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Die Top 5 der ätherischen Öle zur Entspannung Casida naturreines ätherische Öl

Top 5 essential oils for relaxation

Do you want to really relax and unwind? Relaxing is made easy with the help of essential oils and...
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Zirbe - die Kraft aus den Alpen Casida Zirbenöl Pinus cembra naturrein – 10 ml 16486743 PZN Apotheke Zirbelkiefernöl ätherische Öle Diffuser

Swiss stone pine oil - the power of the high Alps

Swiss stone pine essential oil (also known as Swiss stone pine oil) is extracted from the wood an...
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Wirkung von Clary Sage Öl Casida Muskatellersalbeiöl Salvia Scarea naturrein – 10 ml 16486714 PZN Apotheke ätherische Öle Diffuser

Clary Sage oil - the universal genius for body and soul

Clary sage oil is extracted from clary sage, which is closely related to true sage. The major dif...
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Elektrische Duftlampen Casida Aroma Diffuser Holzdesign mit LED-Beleuchtung 15880805 PZN Apotheke ätherische Öle Top 6 set 7 Farben

Electric fragrance lamps - interesting facts and buying advice

If you come home tired from work or simply want to switch off, aromatherapy is often the best way...
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Die Vielfältigkeit Ätherischer Öle Zitronenöl Casida naturreines ätherische Öl

The diversity of essential oils

Knowing and using the world of aromas - "learning by doing" Essential oils consist of many differ...
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Beauty & skincare

Pflegeritual bei fettiger Haut

Pflegeritual bei fettiger Haut

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Wie erkenne ich fettige Haut? 2. Ursachen für fettige Haut 3. Die Pflege...
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Pflegeritual bei Akne

Pflegeritual bei Akne

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Wie erkenne ich eine Akne? 2. Die Pflegeroutine bei Akne 2.1 Morgens 2....
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Pflegeritual bei Pigmentstörungen

Pflegeritual bei Pigmentstörungen

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Wie erkenne ich Pigmentstörungen? 2. Die Pflegeroutine bei Pigmentstöru...
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Pflegeritual bei schuppiger Haut

Pflegeritual bei schuppiger Haut

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Wie erkenne ich schuppige Haut? 2. Die Pflegeroutine bei schuppiger Haut...
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Pflegeritual bei empfindlicher Haut

Pflegeritual bei empfindlicher Haut

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Wie erkenne ich empfindliche Haut? 2. Die Pflegeroutine bei empfindliche...
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Pflegeritual bei Mischhaut

Pflegeritual bei Mischhaut

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Was ist Mischhaut? 2. Die Pflegeroutine bei Mischhaut 3. Besonderheiten...
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Pflegeritual bei feuchtigkeitsarmer oder trockener Haut

Pflegeritual bei feuchtigkeitsarmer oder trockener Haut

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Die Pflegeroutine bei feuchtigkeitsarmer Haut 2. Feuchtigkeit 3. Tagespf...
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Pflegeritual für reife Haut

Pflegeritual für reife Haut

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Wie erkenne ich eine reife, anspruchsvolle Haut? 2. Reinigen & absc...
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Pflegeritual bei trockener Haut

Care ritual for dry skin

How do I recognize dry skin? How do I recognize ...
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Haarpflege im Sommer

Natural hair care in summer

1. the most important points in brief: In summer, UV radiation, salt and chlorinated water put a ...
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Rosehip oil: The all-rounder for all skin types - even blemished skin!

Casida has been tested according to the strict quality criteria of Trusted Shops and has been awa...
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Lea Becker Natürlich schöne Sommerhaut

The best tips for optimal skin care in summer

Table of contents 1 The most important facts in brief 2. moisturizing care and UV protection in s...
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Gesichtsöl unreine Haut

Facial oil for blemished skin

Blemished skin can be a challenge for many people and can be damaging to their self-esteem. Findi...
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Wirkung von Hamamelis

The versatile effect of witch hazel

Hamamelis, also known as witch hazel or witch hazel, is a plant that is valued for its versatile ...
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Rosmarinwasser für die Haare - Rein pflanzliche Kraft für Kopfhaut und Haare

Rosemary water for the hair

Rosemary water is a well-known remedy for promoting hair growth and caring for the scalp. It is m...
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Rosenwasser für Gesicht und Körper

Rose water for face and body

According to legend, rose water was used by Cleopatra and Julius Caesar when bathing in ancient t...
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Casida Gesicht- und Körperöle

Skin oils for face and body

Table of contents 1 What are skin oils? 2 What are the effects of skin oils? 3 How do I use skin ...
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Pflegeroutine im Herbst und Winter

Care routine in fall and winter

Autumn and winter are seasons that are associated with beautiful landscapes and cozy moments. But...
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Rosmarinöl für die Haare richtig anwenden - Tipps der Casida Apotheker

Using rosemary oil for the hair

If you only know rosemary from the kitchen, you're missing out. Rosemary oil for hair is a real i...
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Fingernägel pflege - die richtige Ernährung und Pflege für gesunde und schöne Fingernägel

The right care for beautiful fingernails

Our hands are in use all day long: they help us at work, support us in communication and do valua...
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Dermaroller serum - The right serums for microneedling

Wherever a dermaroller is used, the right serum is essential. After all, an effective rolling tre...
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Wimpernserum ohne Hormone

Eyelash serum without hormones

Who doesn't dream of long, full eyelashes and a perfect look? But very few women have naturally t...
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Trockene Kopfhaut richtig pflegen

Proper care for dry scalp

Dry scalp means suffering with your skin and hair. Itching, a feeling of tightness and increased ...
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Was ist Squalan

Squalane - plant-based care ingredient for skin & hair

1. plant-based squalane is a natural protective shield against dryness and a real boon for skin a...
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Was ist Mizellenwasser?

Micellar water - what is it actually?

You've probably come across micellar water a few times while browsing the drugstore or online bea...
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Microneedling zuhause

Microneedling - How I use the miracle weapon against wrinkles, scars & co. at home

Microneedling (also known as mesotherapy) is the latest beauty trend that stars such as Angelina ...
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Komedogen und nicht komedogen

Comedogenic and non-comedogenic - definition and products

In the beauty world, the term "comedogenic" is mentioned time and again. Beauty gurus in particul...
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Active ingredient cosmetics

The term active ingredient cosmetics refers to skin care products with active ingredients that ha...
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Aloe Vera bei Sonnenbrand Casida Aloe Vera Gel Haut & Haare 16573212 PZN Apotheke Hautpflege Feuchtigkeitsspendend

Aloe vera for sunburn

Aloe vera belongs to the lily family and has been used as a medicinal plant in its native Arabia ...
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Aloe Vera Haarpflege Casida Aloe Vera Gel Haut & Haare 16573212 PZN Apotheke Hautpflege Feuchtigkeitsspendend

Aloe vera gel for the hair

Many women and men know this desire - healthy, strong and beautiful hair. To get closer to this g...
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Die Wirkung von Hyaluron Casida Hyaluron Serum Intensiv – 30 ml 14044030 PZN Apotheke Microneedling

Hyaluronic acid serum

Have you recently had the feeling that your skin is no longer as firm? The reason could be decre...
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DIY & homemade

Hausmittel gegen Zecken

Home remedies against ticks

Ticks mainly lurk in grass and bushes and often drop onto their victim unnoticed. Once they have ...
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Narbenpflege Hausmittel

Scar care home remedies

Scars are often the result of injuries, operations or skin diseases. They can make us feel self-c...
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Hausmittel gegen Falten

Home remedies for wrinkles

Antioxidants and their positive effect on the skin Protect your skin from ageing with these home...
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Mückenspray selber machen -DIY Rezept von Casida

Make your own bug spray - in just 3 steps

The sun is shining, the temperatures are rising and you can finally relax in the garden or on the...
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Hausmittel bei Blasenentzündung

The best home remedies for cystitis

Most people have experienced a bladder infection at least once in their lives. Bladder inflammati...
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Bartöl selber machen - DIY-Rezept von Casida

Make your own beard oil - natural beard care with purely plant-based ingredients

Beards will probably never go out of fashion. Whether you like a three-day beard or a full beard,...
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Upcycling - aus Alt mach Neu

Turning old into new - upcycling with Casida

At Casida, we rely on sustainable product packaging such as high-quality amber and violet glass a...
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Raumspray selber machen

Make your own room spray

Would you like to give your home a fresh scent and avoid unpleasant odors in the future? Perfect!...
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Aphten Hausmittel

Aphthae home remedy

Aphthae are one of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa. That's why we present some tried-...
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Natron gegen Erkältung

Baking soda for colds

Taking baking soda for colds is a tried and tested household remedy that has been around since ti...
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Zahnfleischentzündung Hausmittel

Proven household remedies for gum inflammation

Inflammation of the gums is also known medically as gingivitis and can have several causes. The a...
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Putzmittel selber machen

Make your own cleaning products

Nowadays, you can find a wide variety of cleaning products for almost all stains, surfaces and ro...
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Kissenspray selber machen

Make your own pillow spray

People sleep for about a third of their lives and that's a good thing. Alongside breathing air an...
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Badekugeln selber machen

Make your own bath balls

Bath balls are not only easy to make yourself, they are also very versatile. A real eye-catcher i...
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Hausmittel gegen Kopfschmerzen Casida Pfefferminzöl ätherische Öle naturrein

Home remedies for headaches

Home remedies for headaches instead of painkillers? Find out which tricks you can use to treat he...
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Hausmittel gegen Nagelpilz Casida Teebaumöl naturrein – 10 ml 15880774 PZN Apotheke ätherische Öle Melaleuca alternifolia Hautpflege Nagelpilz

Nail fungus home remedy

When fungi attack the toenails or fingernails, this is known as nail fungus or onychomycosis. In ...
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Zirbenspray selber machen Casida Zirbenöl Pinus cembra naturrein – 10 ml 16486743 PZN Apotheke Zirbelkiefernöl ätherische Öle Diffuser

Swiss stone pine spray - effect, application and DIY recipe

Many room sprays smell obtrusive and are full of artificial additives and aromas. Natural sprays ...
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Hausmittel gegen Lippenbläschen Casida Aloe Vera Gel Haut & Haare 16573212 PZN Apotheke Hautpflege Feuchtigkeitsspendend

Cold sores home remedy

It tingles, burns and, in the worst case, itches. If it also hurts, many people would like to ...
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Basenkur nach Rauch Casida Basenpulver 3 nach Rauch – 200 g 11058942 PZN Apotheke basisch Säure Basen Kur

Alkaline fasting

At the start of Lent, Casida founder and pharmacist Alexander Helm answers questions on the tr...
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Vitamin B12 Lebensmittel Casida Vitamin B12 Tropfen – 50 ml 16672003 PZN Apotheke hochdosiert Immunsystem vegan

Vitamin B12 foods - where is the most in it?

Vitamin B12 is perhaps less well known than vitamin C, but it is no less important. It supports m...
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Acidosis - causes, symptoms, what helps?

Our modern lifestyle can easily upset the sensitive acid-base balance. The result is hyperacid...
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Buchinger Fasten

Buchinger fasting

Fasting has a firm place in the largest religions and has been practiced since the earliest times...
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Natron gegen Übersäuerung

Baking soda - the all-rounder against hyperacidity

Even in ancient Rome, baking soda was said to be an effective remedy for hyperacidity and hear...
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Family & Children

Was tun bei Babyschnupfen

Baby sniffles - what to do?

A baby's first cold often occurs in the first few weeks of life. The young body's immune system f...
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Ätherische Öle für Kinder

Essential oils for children

A child's life can be quite moving and exciting. With gentle, natural remedies, you can give your...
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Nagelpilz bei Kindern

Nail fungus in children

As a rule, children's nails are rarely affected by nail fungus, as the nails of young children di...
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Wachstumsschmerzen bei Kindern

Growing pains in children

As growing pains in children cannot be detected by any reliable method, they have long been contr...
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Foot care & foot health

Fußdeo Stinkende Schuhe

Stinky shoes? You can do that!

Bad-smelling, smelly shoes spread unpleasant odors and can be very embarrassing. However, they al...
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Schweißfüße was tun? 5 Tipps der Casida Apotheker

What to do about sweaty feet in summer?

Table of contents 1. how do sweaty feet develop? 2. sweaty feet what to do? The 5 most important ...
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Trockene Füße

Tips against dry feet

Scaly and cracked skin on the heels and itching are typical symptoms of dry feet. Other symptoms ...
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eingewachsener zehennagel

Ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail (lat. Unguis incarnatus) most commonly occurs on the big toe, is painful and c...
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Nagelpilz vorbeugen Casida

Prevent nail fungus

Almost one in three adults will struggle with nail fungus at least once in their lives. So unfort...
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Fußbad mit Natron Casida Natron Vitalpulver – 300 g 12464638 PZN Apotheke Basenkur trinken Lebensmittel

Foot bath with baking soda

For some people, a foot bath is part of their daily beauty routine. However, foot baths also have...
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Fußnagelpilz erkennen & behandeln Casida Nagelöl Repair & Protect 10 ml PZN 10022445 Apotheke Nagelpilz Füße Hände

Recognizing and treating toenail fungus

How can I treat nail fungus? Are tablets the right choice for toenail fungus? Or can I use grandm...
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Schwere müde Beine

Heavy, tired legs - what to do?

Heavy and tired legs are a common problem that many people are familiar with. Those affected ofte...
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Multiple Sklerose Behandlung Casida Magnesiumcitrat Pulver Vital 200 g 11316290 PZN Apotheke Regeneration trinken Muskelentspannung

Multiple sclerosis symptoms and treatment: World MS Day

30.05.2023 is World MS Day. On this day, the German Multiple Sclerosis Society raises awareness o...
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Decubitus prophylaxis

People in need of care who have limited mobility and spend a lot of time sitting or lying...
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Mundgeruch loswerden - Tipps gegen Mundgeruch

Getting rid of bad breath - Tips for bad breath

Unfortunately, many people know it all too well - when you get up in the morning, you don't even ...
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Heuschnupfenzeit - unser Erfahrungsbericht Casida Probiotika

Relaxed through the hay fever season - a personal experience report

Not everyone can enjoy spring. Like Casida employee René Runge, around 16 percent of the popul...
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Antivirale Mundspülung gegen Corona - aus naturreinen ätherischen Ölen

Antiviral mouthwash - does it protect against coronavirus?

A wide range of measures are in place to contain the further spread of the coronavirus and keep i...
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Die 5 beste Tipps für eine gesunde Mundflora Blog

The 5 best tips for healthy oral flora

If teeth don't look good, are painful or even missing, the quality of life suffers in several ...
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Pilz am After

Fungus on the anus

Itchy anus, redness and burning - these symptoms are all too often wrongly attributed to hemorrho...
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Hämorrhoiden natürlich behandeln

Treating hemorrhoids naturally

Almost every adult has suffered from enlarged hemorrhoids. The symptoms include pain, itching and...
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Anal itching - unpleasant itching around the anus

Itching in the anus, also known technically as pruritus ani, can be very annoying. Those affected...
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Bluthochdruck natürlich senken

Lower high blood pressure naturally

Almost no other disease is as common in Germany as high blood pressure and therefore affects a la...
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Hämorrhoiden - Ursache und Hilfe Casida HämoCalm Repair & Protect – 20 ml 10086675 PZN Apotheke hämorrhoiden hämmoritten hemoriden

Hemorrhoid ointment

Itching, oozing or burning - hemorrhoids are extremely unpleasant. If the first hemorrhoid oin...
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Food supplement

Femina Komplex Cranberrys Holzteller

Cranberry and mannose for cystitis

Bladder inflammation, also known medically as cystitis, is an inflammation of the bladder. The ca...
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Darmbakterien Lactobacillus Gasseri

Intestinal bacteria for weight loss

A healthy gut plays a crucial role in our health and well-being. But did you know that certain gu...
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Frankincense and its effects

Frankincense has been known for centuries for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and de...
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Darmflora aufbauen Probiotika - Tipps für einen gesunden Darm Casida Probiotika

Build up healthy intestinal flora with probiotics

A healthy intestinal flora is crucial for our health. Probiotics can build up the intestinal flor...
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Probiotika bei Heuschnupfen & Allergien

How probiotics strengthen the immune system in the case of hay fever and allergies

Spring! We think of warming rays of sunshine, delicate greenery and excursions into nature. And w...
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Schlafbeere als Heilpflanze bei Stress, Unruhe und Schlafstörungen

Sleeping berry - medicinal plant for stress, restlessness and sleep disorders

The sleeping berry is one of the most important medicinal plants in the traditional Indian healin...
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Bromelain - Ananas-Enzym - Wirkung & Einsatzgebiete des Ananas-Enzyms

Bromelain - effect & areas of application of the pineapple enzyme

Table of contents 1 What is bromelain? 2 Bromelain effect & areas of application 3 How is bro...
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Rosenwurz Wirkung und Anwendungsgebiete der Heilpflanze

Roseroot - effect and use of the medicinal plant

Rose root has long been used in folk medicine and is known by many names such as Rhodiola rosea, ...
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Ashwagandha Wirkung

Ashwagandha - medicinal plant with multiple effects

What is ashwagandha? The ashwagandha plant comes from the nightshade family and is one of the mos...
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Haare schneller wachsen lassen

Growing hair faster - biotin as a miracle cure?

Biotin for hair - these are the benefits of the vitamin Hair loss, thin or brittle hair can be qu...
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Preventing selenium deficiency

If you suffer from dry skin and hair loss or constantly feel tired, the first thing you usually t...
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Vitamin B12 Mangel Casida Vitamin B12 Tropfen – 50 ml 16672003 PZN Apotheke hochdosiert Immunsystem Veganer Aufnahme vegan

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency is not uncommon in Germany. One in ten Germans is said to suffer from this...
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Was ist Curcumin? Casida Kurkuma Kapseln – 58 g 16671995 PZN Apotheke Schwarzer Pfeffer Nahrungsergänzung

What is curcumin?

The yellow-orange colorant curcumin can be extracted or obtained naturally or synthetically from ...
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Vitamin K2 Mangel Casida Vitamin K2 Tropfen 20 μg MK7 vegan – 50 ml 16672049 PZN Apotheke Veganer

Vitamin K2 deficiency

More and more people are affected by bone problems. But what many do not know: Vitamin K is exact...
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Magnesium bei Diabetes Typ 2 Casida Magnesiumglycinat Kapseln Vital – 120 Stk. 14362480 PZN Apotheke Was bedeutet Bioverfügbar

Type 2 diabetes mellitus - magnesium increases insulin sensitivity

Of course, the damaging effects of sugar are well known and it goes without saying that we kno...
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Rezepte mit Collagen Casida Collagen Pulver Kollagen Hydrolysat Peptide Rind – 480 g 15266086 PZN Apotheke Peptide Typ I II III Eiweiß Shake trinken Gelenke Anti-Aging

Delicious recipes with collagen powder

Smoothies with collagen Variation 1: Raspberry smoothie Ingredients: 200 g frozen ra...
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Product innovations

Aroma Diffuser Casida Aroma Diffuser Holzdesign mit LED-Beleuchtung 15880805 PZN Apotheke ätherische Öle Vernebler Aromatherapie

Aroma diffuser

Relax in a completely tranquil atmosphere. Aroma diffusers are one way of enhancing the homely...
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Company news

Vogtland Walk 2024 - Das Wander-Event unterstützt von Casida

Casida supports the Vogtland Walk - Win tickets!

The Vogtland gets its own mega event - the Vogtland Walk. With the support of Casida, of course! ...
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Casida Green Week 2021

GREEN WEEK at Casida: Every order = 1 tree

Casida GREEN WEEK - We planted 200 trees Every year during Black Week in November, many people g...
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Unternehmerpreis Casida Startup des Jahres Sachsen gründet

Casida is Saxony's start-up of 2021

Casida is Saxony's start-up of the year 2021 Casida came out on top in the grand final of this ye...
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Trusted Shops Casida

Casida - now Trusted Shops certified!

Casida has been tested according to the strict quality criteria of Trusted Shops and has been awa...
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Detox-Kur Casida

Detox cure - the power of detoxification

In our modern and hectic world, it is important to regularly take time for your health and detoxi...
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Ölziehen für Mund, Zähne & Entgiftung - Tipps der Casida Apotheker

Oil pulling - how does it work? What are the benefits?

Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic method for cleansing the mouth and is also known as oil ch...
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Erkältung vorbeugen

Preventing flu & colds - what you should look out for now

In the cold season, colds are inevitable, as our immune system is severely challenged by the t...
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Basenbad Wirkung & Basenbad selber machen mit Bittersalz und Natron

Alkaline bath - effect & use at home

The alkaline bath - i.e. bathing in strongly alkaline bath water - is a traditional spa and heali...
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Akupressur bei Husten & Heiserkeit

Acupressure for coughs & hoarseness

Who hasn't experienced that nagging cough that can occur as a single symptom or in combination...
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Kurbäder mit Bittersalz Eukalyptus Lavendel Mandelöl

Epsom salt - a tried and tested beauty & healing remedy

Epsom salt has long been an insider tip for well-being and beauty among stars and celebrities. Th...
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Luftbefeuchter von Casida moderne Luftbefeuchter mit Ultraschall

The new generation of humidifiers

In more and more living spaces, the air is cutting and dry. This causes chapped lips and incre...
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Gesund durch den Winter 6

Healthy through the winter Part 6: Relieving colds with acupressure

Acupressure can have a considerable effect in relieving cold symptoms. If you have a cold w...
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