
Shipping & payment methods within Germany

Up to 50 € order value we charge a flat rate of 4.95 € for packaging and climate-neutral shipping.

From 50 € we shipfree of charge throughout Germany.

Delivery isclimate-friendly with DHL GoGreen. You can find out more about DHL GoGreen on the DHL website.

You can choose to pay by PayPal, instant bank transfer (Klarna), invoice (Klarna), direct debit (Klarna), Alipay or credit card (Stripe).

Europe and worldwide

Shipping to Austria

Shipping to Austria costs a flat rate of 5.95 € via DHL.

Shipping within Europe

We also deliver our goods to Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Ireland, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

Shipping costs a flat rate of 8.00 €.

Shipping toIreland costs a flat rate of 12.00 €.

Shipping outside Europe

We also deliver our goods to Great Britain, the United States, China, Russia, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and many more.

Shipping costs a flat rate of 14 €.

Note: In some regions, import fees or customs duties may apply, which are borne by the buyer.

Delivery time DHL : 2-7 working days (EU countries); 3-8 weeks (outside EU)

Delivery to Switzerland

Shipping to Switzerland costs a flat rate of 8.00 €.

For deliveries to Switzerland we recommend the service of
All customs formalities and delivery to the front door are handled by for a small fee
All information can be found

Payment methods


In cooperation with Klarna Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden, we offer the following payment options. Payment is made to Klarna in each case:

  • Invoice: The payment period is 14 days from dispatch of the goods/ticket/ or, in the case of other services, the provision of the service. You can find the terms and conditions for purchase on account for deliveries to Germany at and for deliveries to Austria at
  • Installment purchase: With Klarna's financing service, you can pay for your purchase flexibly in monthly installments of at least 1/24 of the total amount (but at least EUR 6.95) or under the conditions otherwise specified in the checkout. The installment payment is due at the end of each month after Klarna has sent you a monthly invoice. Further information on installment purchases, including the general terms and conditions and the European standard information for consumer credit, can be found here:
  • Immediately: Your account will be debited immediately after placing the order.
  • Direct debit: Your account will be debited after the goods have been dispatched. You will be informed of the time by e-mail. (Please only list the payment methods that you offer).

The use of the payment methods invoice, installment purchase and direct debit requires a positive credit check. In this respect, we forward your data to Klarna for the purpose of address and credit checks as part of the purchase initiation and processing of the purchase contract. Please understand that we can only offer you those payment methods that are permitted based on the results of the credit check. Further information and Klarna's terms of use for Germany can be found here: and for Austria here: General information about Klarna can be found here: Your personal data will be treated by Klarna in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations and in accordance with the information in Klarna's privacy policy for Germany/Austria.


Just a few steps to payment:
1. Select "PayPal" as the payment method at the checkout.
2. You will be redirected to the PayPal website to process the payment.
3. If you are already a PayPal customer, you can log in with your PayPal user data and initiate the payment.
If you do not yet have a PayPal account, you can create a PayPal account and then confirm the payment. It is not necessary to set up a PayPal account for the payment methods direct debit via PayPal, credit card via PayPal and purchase on account via PayPal.
4. You will then be redirected back to us (

Complaints & returns


If an item was delivered incorrectly by mistake or arrives damaged, please contact our customer service by phone Mon-Fri 08-16 o'clock under + 49 (0)3761 - 7608015 or by e-mail:

Right of withdrawal:

You have the right to cancel your purchase within fourteen days without giving any reason. See right of withdrawal.
In this case, you bear the shipping costs for the return shipment.