
Detox-Kur Casida

Detox cure - the power of detoxification

In our modern and hectic world, it is important to regularly take time for your health and detoxi...
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Ölziehen für Mund, Zähne & Entgiftung - Tipps der Casida Apotheker

Oil pulling - how does it work? What are the benefits?

Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic method for cleansing the mouth and is also known as oil ch...
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Erkältung vorbeugen

Preventing flu & colds - what you should look out for now

Preventing colds in the cold season - how you can strengthen your immune system In the cold seaso...
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Basenbad Wirkung & Basenbad selber machen mit Bittersalz und Natron

Alkaline bath - effect & use at home

The alkaline bath - i.e. bathing in strongly alkaline bath water - is a traditional spa and heali...
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Akupressur bei Husten & Heiserkeit

Acupressure for coughs & hoarseness

Who hasn't experienced that nagging cough that can occur as a single symptom or in combination wi...
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Kurbäder mit Bittersalz Eukalyptus Lavendel Mandelöl

Epsom salt - a tried and tested beauty & healing remedy

Epsom salt has long been an insider tip for well-being and beauty among stars and celebrities. Th...
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Luftbefeuchter von Casida moderne Luftbefeuchter mit Ultraschall

The new generation of humidifiers

In more and more living spaces, the air is cutting and dry. This causes chapped lips and increase...
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Gesund durch den Winter 6

Healthy through the winter Part 6: Relieving colds with acupressure

Acupressure can have a remarkable effect in relieving cold symptoms. If you have a cold with a ru...
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