What to do about sweaty feet in summer?

Schweißfüße was tun? 5 Tipps der Casida Apotheker
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    How do sweaty feet develop?

    40% of the German population suffers from sweaty feet. The bad-smelling foot sweat is often very unpleasant and embarrassing for those affected. In the warm summer months, our feet sweat even faster in our shoes than usual, which means that so-called "cheese feet" are not uncommon. But what can you do about sweaty feet? It is often wrongly assumed that a lack of hygiene is the reason for unpleasant odors on the feet, but foot odor can have many different causes. Read our article to find out why we sweat and what you can do about unpleasant-smelling sweaty feet.

    Sweating is a natural protective mechanism of the body, as the evaporation of sweat removes heat from the skin and allows it to cool down. Our feet have around 350 - 370 sweat glands, making them one of the areas of the body with the most sweat glands. These become active due to high outside temperatures or stress, resulting in sweaty feet. In itself, sweat is odorless, as an unpleasant smell only develops when the bacteria on the skin break down the sweat. In the process, they produce butyric acid, which has a very strong and unpleasant odor. In addition, closed shoes prevent sweat from evaporating and therefore provide ideal conditions for bad-smelling sweaty feet.

    What to do about sweaty feet? The 5 most important tips

    Wash your feet regularly: Sweaty feet should be cleaned daily. It is best to wash them in the morning and evening with warm water and soap and then rinse them with cold water. It is also particularly important to wash the feet between the toes and then dry them properly. If your feet become dry or brittle as a result, you can apply a nourishing cream to them.

    Put on fresh socks every day: A very simple but effective tip is to put on fresh socks every day. As explained above, the unpleasant smell of sweat is caused by bacteria that decompose the sweat. Wearing socks for several days creates the perfect environment for bacteria to multiply. For this reason, you should change your socks every day, even if they still look fresh and odorless.

    Frische Socken bei Schweißfüßen

    Footbath against sweaty feet: Especially on warm summer days, a footbath provides the necessary refreshment for your feet. Natural additives, such as baking soda or lavender oil, can be effective against sweaty feet. Baking soda is a popular household remedy that slightly increases the pH value of the skin to stop the accumulation of bacteria on the feet. Bacteria prefer an acidic environment and therefore cannot multiply in a slightly alkaline environment. For a foot bath with baking soda, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 2 liters of warm water and soak your feet in it for about half an hour. Then dry your feet well again. You can add a few drops of lavender oil for a fragrant foot bath. The oil has an antibacterial effect and also cares for skin or foot fungus. Important after a foot bath to combat sweaty feet: always dry your feet well - even between your toes!

    Choose the right socks and shoes: The choice of socks and shoes is particularly important for sweaty feet. Socks should ideally be made of an absorbent material, so wear thin cotton socks rather than socks made of synthetic fibers. Shoes should fit well and tightly and be made of a breathable material such as canvas or leather. It is advisable to air your shoes regularly, allow them to dry well and change them from time to time.

    Foot and shoe deodorant: If your shoes still smell of sweat after drying, a shoe deodorant can help. A foot deodorant can also help with stubborn sweaty feet. The foot and shoe deodorant from Casida contains high-quality oils such as tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus and peppermint oil. These have an antibacterial and antifungal effect, so that foot odor can be treated in a natural way. For leisure, sports and work shoes, the spray is also ideal for on the go. 100% without aluminum.

    Plant-based & effective help for sweaty feet

    Important note / disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. This offer does not replace any medical advice, treatment or cure.

    For a better understanding, you can also watch our video on the subject of sweaty feet on YouTube: How to combat sweaty feet!