
Schwere müde Beine

Heavy, tired legs - what to do?

Heavy and tired legs are a common problem that many people are familiar with. Those affected ofte...
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Multiple Sklerose Behandlung Casida Magnesiumcitrat Pulver Vital 200 g 11316290 PZN Apotheke Regeneration trinken Muskelentspannung

Multiple sclerosis symptoms and treatment: World MS Day

30.05.2023 is World MS Day. On this day, the German Multiple Sclerosis Society raises awareness o...
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Decubitus prophylaxis

People in need of care who have limited mobility and spend a lot of time sitting or lying...
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Mundgeruch loswerden - Tipps gegen Mundgeruch

Getting rid of bad breath - Tips for bad breath

Unfortunately, many people know it all too well - when you get up in the morning, you don't even ...
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Heuschnupfenzeit - unser Erfahrungsbericht Casida Probiotika

Relaxed through the hay fever season - a personal experience report

Not everyone can enjoy spring. Like Casida employee René Runge, around 16 percent of the popul...
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Antivirale Mundspülung gegen Corona - aus naturreinen ätherischen Ölen

Antiviral mouthwash - does it protect against coronavirus?

A wide range of measures are in place to contain the further spread of the coronavirus and keep i...
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Die 5 beste Tipps für eine gesunde Mundflora Blog

The 5 best tips for healthy oral flora

If teeth don't look good, are painful or even missing, the quality of life suffers in several ...
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Pilz am After

Fungus on the anus

Itchy anus, redness and burning - these symptoms are all too often wrongly attributed to hemorrho...
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Hämorrhoiden natürlich behandeln

Treating hemorrhoids naturally

Almost every adult has suffered from enlarged hemorrhoids. The symptoms include pain, itching and...
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