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Casida focuses on clean beauty with natural and safe ingredients. The products are free of parabens, silicones and synthetic fragrances and were developed by the company owner Alexander Helm, a pharmacist, to offer maximum tolerability and effectiveness.
Casida is proud to be PETA certified and places great importance on protecting animal welfare. The products are developed under ethical standards that ensure that neither the raw materials nor the production processes harm animals. Pharmacist Alexander Helm ensures that all processes are animal-friendly and sustainable to ensure responsible cosmetics that are both effective and ethical.
Casida cosmetic products are suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Thanks to the natural, gentle formulations and the avoidance of irritating ingredients, they are particularly gentle yet effective.
All Casida products are manufactured in Germany under strict quality controls. The formulations are dermatologically tested and the ingredients are carefully checked for their purity and effectiveness.
Casida attaches great importance to sustainability, from the selection of ingredients to the packaging. The products are packaged in recycled or recyclable materials and attention is paid to environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.
Clean Beauty – what does that actually mean? The English term “clean” actually means “clean” in the sense of “free from”. Clean cosmetics are free of certain, controversial ingredients. There is not yet a uniform definition for clean beauty, but at Casida we avoid 99% of the following avoidable ingredients: chemical-synthetic raw materials such as: E.g. mineral oil extracts, parabens, polyethylene glycol, special sulfates, phthalates, silicone and synthetic fragrances. Clean Beauty from Casida is also vegan. This means that our products are free of animal ingredients and have not been tested on animals.
Clean Beauty provides guidance when making a purchase decision. As more and more people value sustainability in their daily routine, clean beauty has become an important part of the daily beauty routine. With the knowledge that you are doing something good for yourself and at the same time not harming the environment through conscious consumption, caring for your beauty is twice as much fun!
Casida stellt bei den Pflegeprodukten für Haut und Haar für die äußere und innere Anwendung den höchsten Anspruch an Clean Beauty. Als Kund:in kannst du sicher sein, dass du Schönheitspflege in gehobener Apothekenqualität erwirbst, mit natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen, hochwertigen und effektiven Wirkstoffen und immer frei von tierischen Zusätzen.
Die Pflege von Casida ist dermatologisch getestet, ausgezeichnet mit Dermatest „sehr gut“ und deshalb auch für sensible Hauttypen und Allergiker bestens geeignet. Warum? Unsere Seren, Öle, Gele & Co sind duftneutral. Es werden keine synthetischen Duftstoffe eingesetzt. Davon profitieren auch Schwangere, die in der Zeit bis zur Geburt oftmals sehr geruchsempfindlich sind.
Da unsere Clean Beauty Produkte eine kurze Liste an Inhaltsstoffen haben und auf reizende, potenziell unverträgliche Inhaltsstoffe komplett verzichten, sind sie für alle Hauttypen – besonders auch für sensible Haut und Allergiker bestens geeignet.
Alle unsere Kosmetika sind dermatologisch getestet und ausgezeichnet mit Dermatest „sehr gut“. Wir verzichten auch konsequent auf Hormone und hormonähnliche Substanzen, sodass du unsere Kosmetika auch beruhigt in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit anwenden kannst.