Almost no other disease is as common in Germany as high blood pressure and therefore affects a large proportion of the population. Unfortunately, high blood pressure is considered the greatest risk factor for cardiovascular and kidney diseases. There are many natural ways to take preventative action against high blood pressure. Many of these options can be easily integrated into everyday life and it is actually possible to reduce high blood pressure naturally. This can reduce the increased risk of a heart attack or stroke, as high blood pressure can lead to many secondary diseases.
Table of contents
Natural ways to reduce high blood pressure
High blood pressure can lead to many secondary diseases. Exercise, diet and avoiding stress are important measures to lower high blood pressure naturally. Exercise in everyday life Exercise is the key to lowering high blood pressure naturally. If you are active in everyday life, you can bring about a reduction of up to 10 mmHg. To achieve this, you should exercise at least five times a week. However, this does not necessarily have to be sweat-inducing sports sessions in the gym. Rather, long walks and other rituals such as regular stair climbing are sufficient to get enough exercise into your daily routine. 30 minutes a day is a good guideline when it comes to exercise in everyday life. This not only makes you fitter, but also does something good for your blood pressure. Walking is a particularly effective way to get moving and lower your blood pressure.
Exercise in everyday life
Control your own weight Being overweight in particular has a negative effect on blood pressure, which can cause it to shoot up even higher. If you are slightly overweight, losing up to five kilograms of weight can help to permanently lower your blood pressure by around 5 mmHg. This is usually accompanied by an improved sense of well-being. It is even better if the weight loss is accompanied by a balanced and healthy diet. Coffee and alcohol should be avoided, especially in the case of high blood pressure. These drinks drive blood pressure even higher. High blood pressure can be lowered naturally with healthy foods, as many foods contain natural blood pressure reducers.
Control your own weight
Aromatherapy with lavender and Swiss stone pine It is particularly important to consciously relax again and again in the case of high blood pressure. Aromatherapy with essential oils can help with this and is perceived by many sufferers as particularly beneficial and long-lasting. The following essential oils are suitable for aromatherapy for high blood pressure lavender oil very well. It can have a harmonizing and relaxing effect on the entire body. Lavender oil has rightly been known for several centuries for its diverse effects and is used in a wide variety of areas. Lavender oil can have a relaxing effect on high blood pressure in particular, which can also be transferred to blood pressure. Several studies have shown that lavender oil aromatherapy can significantly reduce nocturnal blood pressure.1
Aromatherapy with lavender and Swiss stone pine
Swiss stone pine oil is another essential oil that can help with high blood pressure. The essential oil is extracted from Swiss stone pines, which can be up to 1000 years old. This oil contains a variety of ingredients that have positive effects on the body and mind: Cineole and alpha-pinene have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The substance pinosylvin, which is contained in very high concentrations in Swiss stone pine wood, can even lower the heart rate in humans, as a study by the University of Graz showed.2 In this way, Swiss stone pine oil can promote deep, restful sleep and strengthen the body. Aromatherapy at home can help with conscious relaxation, which can have a positive effect on blood pressure. Above all, it is important to engage with it in order to benefit from the positive effect of the plant-based active ingredients.
Avoid stress
Just as aromatherapy focuses on targeted relaxation for the whole body, stress should also be avoided in everyday life. Although stress does not necessarily have to be negative for the body, it does represent a physical strain. In order to lower blood pressure naturally, stress factors should be banished from everyday life. Regular breaks in which the body can slow down are particularly important. This also includes getting enough sleep. On average, many Germans sleep far too little. However, especially those with high blood pressure should make sure that the body can regenerate sufficiently overnight. Targeted relaxation should also be integrated into everyday life. A massage or a soothing bath offer the opportunity to relax in between. Meditation or yoga are also natural ways to ensure more relaxation, which in turn has a positive effect on blood pressure.
Pay attention to your diet
In fact, there are some foods that should definitely be avoided in the case of high blood pressure, as they can drive up blood pressure. These include table salt. Unfortunately, many sufferers are unaware that salt can cause blood pressure to shoot up. On the other hand, there are also foods that can lower blood pressure. Beet, for example, can even effectively lower systolic blood pressure over a period of 24 hours3. This is due to the fact that beet contains many nitrates, which in turn are converted to nitrite in the body, causing the blood vessels to dilate. As a result, blood pressure is lowered. The same applies, for example, to chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 85%. Ginger as a spice can also lower blood pressure. Cardamom and hibiscus are also known to have a positive effect on blood pressure. However, none of these foods can replace medication in cases of doubt. However, they are a good way of naturally lowering high blood pressure and, for example, using medication at a lower dosage.
Donate blood
It may sound strange at first glance, but in addition to the measures already mentioned, donating blood regularly can actually help. This also leads to an effective reduction in blood pressure. Not only the systolic blood pressure could be lowered, but even the diastolic blood pressure.
Conclusion on natural ways to lower high blood pressure
There are many ways in which high blood pressure can be lowered naturally. Even if blood pressure is only slightly high, the measures mentioned can be enough to bring it back into the normal range. The "stress" factor in particular plays a decisive role in high blood pressure. Targeted relaxation, such as aromatherapy or a massage, can therefore already make a big difference. Despite the many natural ways to reduce high blood pressure, this condition should always be taken seriously as it can have serious consequences.