Casida is Saxony's start-up of 2021

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Casida is Saxony's start-up of the year 2021

Casida came out on top in the grand final of this year's "Sachsen gründet - Start-Up 2021" entrepreneur award and received the most votes in the public online voting. Thank you very much 💚 for voting for us. We are overjoyed and now proudly bear the title "Saxony's Start-Up of the Year 2021". In addition to fame and honor, we have won a media budget to make our natural health products even better known.

Our thank you: 15% discount* with the code "startup"

*Valid without minimum order value until 31.07.2021 (not for self-tests and gift vouchers)

Every year, the entrepreneur award "Saxony's Entrepreneur of the Year" honors clever ideas that develop into a sought-after service or a convincing product. The special prize "Sachsen gründet - Start-Up 2021" is awarded to young entrepreneurs who show great courage and commitment to their business idea. Pharmacist Alexander Helm, who founded Casida in 2016, was already nominated for this award in 2019 and emerged as the winner this year.

The 5 finalists of the Entrepreneur Award actually perform live in front of an expert audience from politics and business and do their best on stage to convince the jury of their company. However, due to the coronavirus, the live event was canceled this year and replaced by a large online vote at You chose us as your favorite. Thank you very much for your support!

Important note / disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.