DIY & homemade

Hausmittel gegen Zecken
Essential oils

Home remedies against ticks

Ticks mainly lurk in grass and bushes and often drop onto their victim unnoticed. Once they have ...
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Mückenspray selber machen -DIY Rezept von Casida
Essential oils

Make your own bug spray - in just 3 steps

The sun is shining, the temperatures are rising and you can finally relax in the garden or on the...
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Bartöl selber machen - DIY-Rezept von Casida
Essential oils

Make your own beard oil - natural beard care with purely plant-based ingredients

Beards will probably never go out of fashion. Whether you like a three-day beard or a full beard,...
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Raumspray selber machen
Essential oils

Make your own room spray

Would you like to give your home a fresh scent and avoid unpleasant odors in the future? Perfect!...
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Kissenspray selber machen
Essential oils

Make your own pillow spray

People sleep for about a third of their lives and that's a good thing. Alongside breathing air an...
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Hausmittel gegen Kopfschmerzen Casida Pfefferminzöl ätherische Öle naturrein
Essential oils

Home remedies for headaches

Home remedies for headaches instead of painkillers? Find out which tricks you can use to treat he...
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Zirbenspray selber machen Casida Zirbenöl Pinus cembra naturrein – 10 ml 16486743 PZN Apotheke Zirbelkiefernöl ätherische Öle Diffuser
Essential oils

Swiss stone pine spray - effect, application and DIY recipe

Many room sprays smell obtrusive and are full of artificial additives and aromas. Natural sprays ...
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