Eine Frau im roten Kleid steht in einem Feld bei tiefstehender Sonne Eine Frau mit roter Bluse und gelbem Rock steht bei tiefstehender Sonne im Feld

Beauty & skincare

Rosmarinöl für die Haare richtig anwenden - Tipps der Casida Apotheker

Using rosemary oil for the hair

If you only know rosemary from the kitchen, you're missing out. Rosemary oil for hair is a real i...
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Fingernägel pflege - die richtige Ernährung und Pflege für gesunde und schöne Fingernägel

The right care for beautiful fingernails

Our hands are in use all day long: they help us at work, support us in communication and do valua...
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Die richtigen Seren für Gesichtsbehandlung

Dermaroller serum - The right serums for microneedling

Wherever a dermaroller is used, the right serum is essential. After all, an effective rolling tre...
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Wimpernserum ohne Hormone

Eyelash serum without hormones

Who doesn't dream of long, full eyelashes and a perfect look? But very few women have naturally t...
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Trockene Kopfhaut richtig pflegen

Proper care for dry scalp

Dry scalp means suffering with your skin and hair. Itching, a feeling of tightness and increased ...
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Was ist Squalan

Squalane - plant-based care ingredient for skin & hair

1. plant-based squalane is a natural protective shield against dryness and a real boon for skin a...
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Was ist Mizellenwasser?

Micellar water - what is it actually?

You've probably come across micellar water a few times while browsing the drugstore or online bea...
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Festes Deo

Solid deodorant - a fragrant thing

For most of us, (solid) deodorant is part of our daily body care routine. But everyone has their ...
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Microneedling zuhause

Microneedling - How I use the miracle weapon against wrinkles, scars & co. at home

Microneedling (also known as mesotherapy) is the latest beauty trend that stars such as Angelina ...
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