Beauty & skincare

Essential oils

Rosehip oil: The all-rounder for all skin types - even blemished skin!

Casida has been tested according to the strict quality criteria of Trusted Shops and has been awa...
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Wirkung von Hamamelis
Essential oils

The versatile effect of witch hazel

Hamamelis, also known as witch hazel or witch hazel, is a plant that is valued for its versatile ...
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Rosmarinwasser für die Haare - Rein pflanzliche Kraft für Kopfhaut und Haare
Essential oils

Rosemary water for the hair

Rosemary water is a well-known remedy for promoting hair growth and caring for the scalp. It is m...
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Rosenwasser für Gesicht und Körper
Essential oils

Rose water for face and body

According to legend, rose water was used by Cleopatra and Julius Caesar when bathing in ancient t...
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Rosmarinöl für die Haare richtig anwenden - Tipps der Casida Apotheker
Essential oils

Using rosemary oil for the hair

If you only know rosemary from the kitchen, you're missing out. Rosemary oil for hair is a real i...
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