Darm & Immunsystem

Frankincense and its effects

Frankincense has been known for centuries for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and decongestant effects. Frankincense is also used to treat chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as C...
Nelkenöl bei Zahnschmerzen

Clove oil for toothache

Clove oil contains a high proportion of eugenol, which has been used in dentistry for many years. With its specific aroma, clove oil eliminates bad breath. It acts as an antiseptic and is used to p...
Basenkur nach Rauch Casida Basenpulver 3 nach Rauch – 200 g 11058942 PZN Apotheke basisch Säure Basen Kur

Alkaline fasting

At the start of Lent, Casida founder and pharmacist Alexander Helm answers questions on the trending topic of alkaline fasting. Why is fasting in vogue? AH: We live in an affluent society in ...
Hausmittel bei Blasenentzündung

The best home remedies for cystitis

Most people have experienced a bladder infection at least once in their lives. Bladder inflammation (also known as cystitis) is caused by the multiplication of bacteria in the urine. Bacteria that ...

Decubitus prophylaxis

People in need of care who have limited mobility and spend a lot of time sitting or lying down are particularly at risk of developing position-related skin and tissue damage. Pressure ulcer...
Mundgeruch loswerden - Tipps gegen Mundgeruch
Dental Repair Probiotika Lutschtabletten

Getting rid of bad breath - Tips for bad breath

Unfortunately, many people know it all too well - when you get up in the morning, you don't even want to breathe on yourself. Similarly, after a plate of garlic pasta, you avoid getting too close t...
Erkältung vorbeugen

Preventing flu & colds - what you should look out for now

In the cold season, colds are inevitable, as our immune system is severely challenged by the temperature fluctuations. If viruses are released by sneezing or coughing and carried through the air...
Duftöle für Diffuser
Aroma Diffuser

Fragrance oils for diffusers - how to choose the right ones

There are countless scented oils for diffusers and scented lamps available for room scenting. But not all fragrance oils are the same. We recommend that you always use natural essential oils - i.e....
Schweißfüße was tun? 5 Tipps der Casida Apotheker

What to do about sweaty feet in summer?

Table of contents 1. how do sweaty feet develop? 2. sweaty feet what to do? The 5 most important tips 3. herbal & effective help for sweaty feet 1. how do sweaty feet develop? 40% of the Ger...