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Alkaline fasting

At the start of Lent, Casida founder and pharmacist Alexander Helm answers questions on the trending topic of alkaline fasting.

Why is fasting in vogue?Alexander Helm Inhaber Casida Apotheker AH: We live in an affluent society in which all foods and luxury foods are constantly available. Temporarily abstaining from certain things is good for us mentally and physically. In addition, our modern lifestyle leads to acidification of the body, which can be counteracted by targeted alkaline fasting.

What is special about alkaline fasting?

AH: Unlike other fasting methods, alkaline fasting does not require you to go without. Rather, it is a cure. During an alkaline fast, the proportion of alkaline foods, i.e. foods with a high pH value, in the diet is increased to a ratio of 3:1. This means that 75 percent of the diet during the cure should be alkaline and only 25 percent neutral or acid-forming. You can find out which foods are alkaline or acidic in online food tables or special shopping lists and recipe books, e.g. the alkaline fasting recipes from Casida.

Alkaline fasting recipes as PDF

What does an alkaline diet do to the body?

AH: Alkaline fasting improves many bodily functions. For example, it improves cognitive performance and memory, supports the cardiovascular system, stimulates the digestive tract, strengthens the immune system and thus increases general well-being.

Basenkur Basenfasten verbessert KörperfunktionenAnd all this through an alkaline diet?

AH: Yes, because there is a strong connection between nutrition and the pH value in the blood. The pH value of the blood affects the functionality of the red blood pigment haemoglobin. The lower the pH value, the less oxygen can be bound and is available to the cells. This restricts the performance of organs and muscles. A higher (alkaline) pH value and oxygen content, on the other hand, improves the supply of nutrients. Electrolytes are better distributed in the body and energy production in the cells can run optimally.

What should I pay attention to during alkaline fasting?

AH: In addition to sufficient exercise, sleep and relaxation phases (here are some great tips for relaxing yoga vacations), it is particularly important to pay attention to the alkaline pH value of the food. The positive effects of alkaline recipes can also be supported by taking alkaline powders from the pharmacy.

When is the best time for alkaline fasting?

AH: An alkaline cure can be carried out at any time of year. For lasting improvements to be noticeable, you should do it regularly, at least once a year.

How long should you do alkaline fasting?

AH: We recommend 10 days for detoxification and 30 days for the alkaline cure. The aim is to permanently change your eating habits to an alkaline-oriented diet. Alkaline products from the pharmacy Supplementing your diet with alkaline minerals and bitter substances can be useful. On the one hand, because our industrially produced foods contain fewer and fewer bitter substances. On the other hand, because our taste has been increasingly trained to be sweet due to the addition of sugar in ready-made products. We recommend the following alkaline food supplements to enhance the positive effects of an alkaline diet: Pharmacist Alexander Helm > Alexander Helm is a licensed pharmacist (Martin Luther University) and founder of Casida. His vision is to combine pharmacy and naturopathy to create natural health products that use the power of nature to improve people's health. Important note / Disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.