Family & Children

Was tun bei Babyschnupfen
Babys & Kinder

Baby sniffles - what to do?

A baby's first cold often occurs in the first few weeks of life. The young body's immune system f...
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Ätherische Öle für Kinder
Essential oils

Essential oils for children

A child's life can be quite moving and exciting. With gentle, natural remedies, you can give your...
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Nagelpilz bei Kindern
Babys & Kinder

Nail fungus in children

As a rule, children's nails are rarely affected by nail fungus, as the nails of young children di...
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Wachstumsschmerzen bei Kindern
Babys & Kinder

Growing pains in children

As growing pains in children cannot be detected by any reliable method, they have long been contr...
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