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Ashwagandha Wirkung

Ashwagandha - medicinal plant with multiple effects

What is ashwagandha? The ashwagandha plant comes from the nightshade family and is one of the mos...
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Wimpernserum ohne Hormone

Eyelash serum without hormones

Who doesn't dream of long, full eyelashes and a perfect look? But very few women have naturally t...
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Aphten Hausmittel

Aphthae home remedy

Aphthae are one of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa. That's why we present some tried-...
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Was tun bei Babyschnupfen

Baby sniffles - what to do?

A baby's first cold often occurs in the first few weeks of life. The young body's immune system f...
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Ätherische Öle für Kinder

Essential oils for children

A child's life can be quite moving and exciting. With gentle, natural remedies, you can give your...
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Antivirale Mundspülung gegen Corona - aus naturreinen ätherischen Ölen

Antiviral mouthwash - does it protect against coronavirus?

A wide range of measures are in place to contain the further spread of the coronavirus and keep i...
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Trockene Kopfhaut richtig pflegen

Proper care for dry scalp

Dry scalp means suffering with your skin and hair. Itching, a feeling of tightness and increased ...
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Casida Green Week 2021

GREEN WEEK at Casida: Every order = 1 tree

Casida GREEN WEEK - We planted 200 trees Every year during Black Week in November, many people g...
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Haare schneller wachsen lassen

Growing hair faster - biotin as a miracle cure?

Biotin for hair - these are the benefits of the vitamin Hair loss, thin or brittle hair can be qu...
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