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Erkältung vorbeugen

Preventing flu & colds - what you should look out for now

In the cold season, colds are inevitable, as our immune system is severely challenged by the t...
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Duftöle für Diffuser

Fragrance oils for diffusers - how to choose the right ones

There are countless scented oils for diffusers and scented lamps available for room scenting. But...
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Antivirale Mundspülung gegen Corona - aus naturreinen ätherischen Ölen

Antiviral mouthwash - does it protect against coronavirus?

A wide range of measures are in place to contain the further spread of the coronavirus and keep i...
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Akupressur bei Husten & Heiserkeit

Acupressure for coughs & hoarseness

Who hasn't experienced that nagging cough that can occur as a single symptom or in combination...
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Natron gegen Erkältung

Baking soda for colds

Taking baking soda for colds is a tried and tested household remedy that has been around since ti...
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Hausmittel gegen Lippenbläschen Casida Aloe Vera Gel Haut & Haare 16573212 PZN Apotheke Hautpflege Feuchtigkeitsspendend

Cold sores home remedy

It tingles, burns and, in the worst case, itches. If it also hurts, many people would like to ...
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Luftbefeuchter von Casida moderne Luftbefeuchter mit Ultraschall

The new generation of humidifiers

In more and more living spaces, the air is cutting and dry. This causes chapped lips and incre...
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Aroma Diffuser Casida Aroma Diffuser Holzdesign mit LED-Beleuchtung 15880805 PZN Apotheke ätherische Öle Vernebler Aromatherapie

Aroma diffuser

Relax in a completely tranquil atmosphere. Aroma diffusers are one way of enhancing the homely...
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Gesund durch den Winter 6

Healthy through the winter Part 6: Relieving colds with acupressure

Acupressure can have a considerable effect in relieving cold symptoms. If you have a cold w...
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