Was tun bei Babyschnupfen
Babys & Kinder

Baby sniffles - what to do?

A baby's first cold often occurs in the first few weeks of life. The young body's immune system first has to build up, which means that a baby's first cold can break out at the first contact with c...
Ätherische Öle für Kinder
Essential oils

Essential oils for children

A child's life can be quite moving and exciting. With gentle, natural remedies, you can give your child support and strength in times when they need it. Pure natural essential oils for children are...
Nagelpilz bei Kindern
Babys & Kinder

Nail fungus in children

As a rule, children's nails are rarely affected by nail fungus, as the nails of young children differ from those of adults and grow differently. Nevertheless, dermatologists are recording an increa...
Wachstumsschmerzen bei Kindern
Babys & Kinder

Growing pains in children

As growing pains in children cannot be detected by any reliable method, they have long been controversial in medicine. It is estimated to occur in around 30% of children from primary school age. In...