
Preventing selenium deficiency

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If you suffer from dry skin and hair loss or constantly feel tired, the first thing you usually think of is a vitamin deficiency. However, a very common cause of such symptoms is often overlooked - selenium deficiency. Below you can find out more about the important functions of selenium as well as the causes, symptoms and consequences of selenium deficiency. You will also find out what you can do about it.

Table of contents

    1 What functions does selenium have in the body?

    The trace element selenium is vital for the metabolism, as it performs important functions in the body. All body tissues contain small amounts of this trace element. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), selenium fulfills the following important functions in the human body:

    • contributes to the normal function of the immune system
    • contributes to the maintenance of normal hair and nails
    • supports the normal function of the thyroid gland
    • Protects cells from oxidative stress

    2. how common is selenium deficiency?

    According to statistics, more women than men are affected by selenium deficiency. It is suspected that lower meat consumption could be the possible cause of selenium deficiency. Based on this, it can be concluded that vegans and vegetarians in particular also belong to the risk group. In addition, people with an unbalanced diet and chronic intestinal problems are often affected by selenium deficiency. People who regularly consume alcohol and tobacco are also at risk.

    3 What are the symptoms of selenium deficiency?

    Unfortunately, we are not allowed to write anything about the symptoms of selenium deficiency for legal reasons. However, you can read about it in many reliable places, e.g. on the website of the German Nutrition Society:

    4 What are the causes of selenium deficiency?

    Compared to other countries, the soil in Germany is relatively poor in selenium. As a result, cereals and vegetables from Germany are not sufficient to provide the body with an adequate supply of the trace element. However, animal products contain more selenium. This is mainly due to the fact that the enrichment of animal feed is permitted in Europe and therefore also in Germany.

    Nevertheless, the diet does not have to consist exclusively of animal products to prevent a selenium deficiency. A balanced mixed diet is completely sufficient for the supply of selenium. A common cause of selenium deficiency is therefore a diet consisting exclusively of vegetables and cereals without animal products. This is why vegetarians and vegans are more frequently affected by this phenomenon. However, in such cases, foods such as nuts can be integrated into their diet, as these are also rich in selenium.

    However, selenium deficiency is not only caused by insufficient intake through a plant-based diet. There are also disease-related causes when the body either cannot absorb enough selenium or excretes too much of it. Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, renal insufficiency and the resulting long-term dialysis, cystic fibrosis and genetic metabolic disorders can also be causes of selenium deficiency.

    5 What to do in case of selenium deficiency?

    • Nutrition

    A sufficient amount of selenium is found in animal foods such as fish, meat, liver, milk and cheese. Vegans and vegetarians, as well as other people who want to or have to avoid animal foods, can compensate for selenium deficiency with selenium-rich foods such as nuts. Cereal products and vegetables are less helpful.

    • Food supplements

    A balanced and wholesome diet is usually sufficient to supply the body with selenium. However, if typical symptoms of selenium deficiency persist, it is advisable to have your selenium levels checked by a doctor. If the blood tests reveal a selenium deficiency, the doctor will most likely recommend dietary supplements.

    Medical advice is also recommended to avoid overdosing. With food supplements, it is important that organic and inorganic selenium are optimally combined. A good example of a natural product is the Selenium Capsules Complex 200 µg from Casida. The high-dose capsules manufactured in Germany contain no undesirable additives and ensure a balanced selenium level.

    Important note / disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.