Buchinger Fasten

Buchinger fasting

Fasting has a firm place in the largest religions and has been practiced since the earliest times to strengthen the spiritual and mental powers. Nowadays, fasting is also used in modern science as a method of cleansing the body and stimulating self-healing powers. One of the best-known types of fasting is the so-called Buchinger fast, which goes back to the physician Dr. Otto Buchinger. Buchinger spread his modified form of fasting worldwide with his book "Therapeutic Fasting" from 1935. Find out more about Buchinger fasting, how it works and what the advantages and disadvantages are.

Table of contents

    1 What is Buchinger fasting?

    The German doctor and naturopath Otto Buchinger developed a concept of fasting with which he is said to have cured severe metabolic disorders in himself. This was also the original aim of the new method of fasting, although it is now also practiced for weight loss. Buchinger fasting is characterized by the fact that no solid food is allowed, only water, broth, tea and juices. This type of diet is intended to activate the body's self-healing powers and lead to weight loss. The minimalist food supply creates a catabolic metabolic state, which leads to the elimination of stored substances and improves blood circulation in the smallest vessels. Buchinger fasting is also said to lift the mood.

    2 How does Buchinger fasting work?

    Buchinger fasting consists of several phases:

    • It begins with one or two relief days, which serve to prepare you physically and mentally for the fast. During these days, only light food is consumed in order to relieve the bowels.
    • This is followed by a thorough bowel evacuation to prevent the feeling of hunger during the fast.
    • Buchinger fasting lasts at least five days and only liquid food may be consumed.
    • Buchinger fasting also includes sport and relaxation exercises, daily liver compresses and dry brushing in the morning.
    • Last but not least, the fasting days are followed by "build-up days". In order to boost the metabolism and digestive functions, food intake is only increased gradually.

    3 What do I need to bear in mind during the fasting days?

    As a rule, up to 600 calories are consumed during the relief days, mainly in the form of carbohydrates. For example, on a fruit day, up to five meals of fresh fruit can be eaten throughout the day. People with intestinal sensitivities can have a rice or oat day. Simply cook brown rice and eat it with steamed vegetables or unsweetened compote. Wholemeal flakes cooked in water can also be eaten together with fruit or vegetables.

    4 How does bowel cleansing work?

    The actual Buchinger fast begins with a thorough bowel cleansing, for which a laxative drink containing Glauber's salt or Epsom salts, for example, is used. To do this, about 40 g (two heaped tablespoons) of Glauber's salt is added to about ¾ liter of warm water and drunk within 15 minutes. After half an hour, drink another liter of water or tea. The subsequent bowel evacuation takes two to three hours.

    It is important to keep encouraging elimination during Buchinger fasting. To ensure that bowel movements are successful, the bowel needs an enema every two days. Either enemas or Epsom salts are used to help with this. Kneipp watering and exercise help to get the metabolism and circulation going. Regular physical exercise is therefore very effective with a moderate load.

    5 Which drinks are allowed during Buchinger fasting?

    Although Buchinger fasting is carried out on an inpatient basis for up to four weeks, independent fasting should not last that long. Buchinger fasting at home usually lasts 5 to 7 days. During this time, between two and three liters of liquid must be consumed daily. Athletes need even more fluids. Drinks that are allowed during Buchinger fasting:

    • Water, also refined with a little honey or lemon slices
    • vegetable broth
    • Herbal teas such as black tea, green tea or ginger tea
    • Diluted fruit juices
    • diluted vegetable juices
    • buttermilk
    • curd cheese
    • yoghurt
    • milk
    • Sauerkraut juice

    Fruit and vegetable juices should be as freshly squeezed as possible. Vegetable broth is usually consumed hot in the evening. Simply wash, chop and cook the vegetables. Then strain and season with herbs and spices. If you suffer from low blood pressure, you should add a little more salt. The daily intake of sauerkraut regulates intestinal activity, while quark, yoghurt and milk increase the protein content and thus ensure muscle maintenance.

    6 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Buchinger fasting?

    According to some studies, the benefits of this fasting method include positive effects on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In addition, Buchinger fasting is also said to be beneficial for allergic diseases with a genetic predisposition, chronic inflammatory diseases and psychosomatic disorders. A frequent motive for Buchinger fasting is also rapid weight loss as a result of the low calorie intake. Furthermore, the release of serotonin in the brain lifts the mood.

    However, as the drinks contain virtually no protein, the muscle protein is attacked. Buchinger fasting can also lead to urinary stones or gout attacks, as the increased ketone level inhibits the excretion of uric acid. It is therefore important to carry out Buchinger fasting only for a short time on your own.

    Important note / disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.