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Nail fungus home remedy

When fungi attack the toenails or fingernails, this is known as nail fungus or onychomycosis. In most cases, filamentous fungi or, more rarely, yeast or mold fungi are the cause of nail fungal infections. In contrast to athlete's foot, nail fungus is very stubborn and treatment is lengthy and complicated. Various household remedies are often used to treat nail fungus. But is such treatment enough? If nail fungus is left untreated, there is a risk that the fungus will infect the neighboring nails and destroy them completely. In addition to the aesthetic disadvantages, nail fungus can also lead to pain or further infections and impair walking.

Table of contents

    1. are home remedies sufficient for nail fungus?

    In the case of nail fungus, most sufferers initially resort to home remedies, as these are usually inexpensive. The list of home remedies for nail fungus is long. Natural home remedies such as baking soda, apple cider vinegar, toothpaste, tea tree oil and even natural urine therapy promise a natural cure for nail fungus. However, in most cases, these home remedies can only temporarily reduce nail fungus, not cure it. Nail fungus is very stubborn and only heals with regular and long-term care.

    2 Which home remedies can help in the fight against nail fungus?

    Even if home remedies alone cannot cure nail fungus, they are still useful as supportive treatment. The effects and treatment options of popular home remedies for nail fungus are described below.

    • Baking soda: Baking soda is one of the most commonly used home remedies for nail fungus. It is said to dry out the nail fungus and eliminate it after a while. However, there is no scientific evidence that baking soda is effective against nail fungus.
    • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is used for its antibacterial properties against nail fungus. Acetic acid is said to be able to fight nail fungus by penetrating the skin. Apple cider vinegar alone will usually not be effective enough.
    • Toothpaste: Fluorine in toothpaste is said to have an antifungal effect. However, the effectiveness of this home remedy against nail fungus has not been clinically confirmed.
    • Essential oils: Tea tree oil is applied to the affected areas. However, a mixture of several active ingredients is required to stop the nail fungus.
    • Foot baths with salt: Foot baths with antibacterial bath additives such as Dead Sea salt or Epsom salt are a good supportive remedy against nail fungus. It is important to dry your feet well afterwards.

    3. what to do if home remedies for nail fungus don't help?

    Only in the rarest of cases will home remedies for nail fungus alone be sufficient to kill the fungi. For this reason, nail fungus usually needs to be treated with a remedy from a doctor or pharmacist. The treatment options vary depending on the degree of infestation. A dermatologist should first assess the diagnosis as well as the treatment of nail fungus.

    4. digression: What are the causes of nail fungus?

    Filamentous fungi are among the most common causes of the disease, as the optimal living conditions for this type of fungus are found on the surface of the body. The keratin in the nails, skin and hair is irresistible to filamentous fungi. In combination with moisture and heat, nail fungus develops. The affected areas are usually between the toes, groins and skin folds.

    5 How do I recognize nail fungus?

    If nail fungus is detected early, the chances of recovery are good. Symptoms of nail fungus can first be seen on the front edge of the nail and from there spread over the entire nail plate. The nail area becomes thicker and turns whitish to yellow in color. White streaks or spots are also often visible with nail fungus. Home remedies are a good additional therapy in the fight against nail fungus, but targeted remedies from a dermatologist or pharmacist are essential for long-term success.

    Pharmacist Alexander Helm >