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Recognizing and treating toenail fungus

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How can I treat nail fungus? Are tablets the right choice for toenail fungus? Or can I use grandma's home remedies? Depending on the degree of infestation, there are various options available to you that you can use for treatment. It is important that you approach the treatment approaches correctly, as there is internal and external toenail fungus. Nail fungus is not uncommon and can affect anyone. One in five adults is now affected by the infection. This corresponds to a figure of 20 percent. People between the ages of 26 and 65 are mainly affected by toenail fungus, and it even affects one in two people over 65. It is also clear that nail fungus infections occur more frequently than fingernail fungus. The causes and symptoms can vary from person to person. If you notice toenail fungus, you should act as quickly as possible. An infection is painful, affects your everyday life and is often associated with unsightly symptoms. Basically, the sooner you act, the less the infection will spread. However, if you are suffering from a nail fungus infection for the first time, you will probably be confronted with a number of questions at this point.

Table of contents

  1. 1 Definition: What is toenail fungus actually?
  2. 2 Toenail fungus: How does the fungus actually get into the toenail and where does it come from?
  3. 3. how to recognize a nail fungus infection
  4. 4. how long does it take to get rid of nail fungus?
  5. 5. treating nail fungus: What helps best?
  6. 6 Conclusion on toenail fungus
  7. 7. natural products for the care & hygiene of athlete's foot and nail fungus

1 Definition: What is toenail fungus actually?

Nail fungus is both a cosmetic and a medical problem. The infection, also known as onychomycosis or nail mycosis, must be treated, otherwise it will spread to the neighboring nails. The infection can develop on the toenails or fingernails. The parasites attack the skin, but can also spread to other areas of the foot. The causes of toenail fungus can be divided into three different groups of fungi:

  • Yeast fungi
  • mold fungi
  • filamentous fungi

While yeast and mold fungi are rather rare, filamentous fungi are the trigger in more than two thirds of cases. Your immune system cannot do anything about nail fungus. It is not triggered by a cellular immune problem. Accordingly, your body is not able to counteract the fungus with the forces it produces. This is also the reason why you absolutely must take action after recognizing athlete's foot.

2. toenail fungus: How does the fungus actually get into the toenail and where does it come from?

A healthy nail contains a protective layer and can defend itself against infection. If there is an injury to the nail, this is the fungi's opportunity. The pathogens settle in the nail and the toenail fungus is already there. The causes are different and can vary from person to person. One thing is clear: even minimal micro-injuries are enough to cause a nail injury. Specifically, the following situations can be enough to cause an infection:

  • Injuries while jogging
  • Strain when walking
  • Bruises that occur during sport
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight

3. how to recognize a nail fungus infection

Nail fungus is usually recognized quite late, which is due to a lack of knowledge. But with a little basic knowledge, you can easily recognize toenail fungus. At the beginning of the infection, the fungus causes opaque nails. The affected areas gradually look cloudy, while the further course of the infection causes discoloration. You can identify nail fungus by the spots and grayish-yellowish streaks. If this is the case and your toenails become discolored, this is a typical sign of nail fungus. At the beginning, the fungus is more visible on the outside before it spreads and migrates to the center. However, there are other typical signs with which you can recognize nail fungus:

  • Thickening of the nail plate
  • Uneven surface of the nail
  • The free edge of the nail crumbles, breaks off and separates from the nail bed

The end of the disease is reached when the fungus has completely destroyed the nail plate. You should not let it get that far. You can treat the nail fungus with appropriate early measures.

4 How long does it take to get rid of nail fungus?

Nail fungus is not only painful, but also a rather lengthy process. The fungus causes unsightly nails, but can be treated effectively with rapid treatment. To avoid the pain, consistent treatment of the fungus is essential. The actual duration of treatment is up to one year. The earlier you discover the fungus and start treatment, the greater the chance of recovery. Once the nail has grown back completely after treatment, you can consider the situation cured. ATTENTION: In terms of duration, you must differentiate between athlete's foot and toenail fungus. The former usually only takes several weeks of treatment.

5 Treating nail fungus: What helps best?

You can use various measures to treat nail fungus. Patients often resort to home remedies that grandma gives them. This is quite understandable, especially as a number of remedies are said to be quite effective. Popular remedies include tea tree oil, vinegar, vinegar essence and salts. The problem is that remedies from the medicine cabinet usually have an insufficient antibacterial effect and are not strong enough. You can certainly try them, but the chances of recovery are not as high as with professional preparations. Patients often rely on tablets or varnish. If you don't think much of chemical products, we at Casida have the right solution for you - we're talking about our Repair & Protect nail oil. You can use this as a herbal alternative to treat nail fungus.

6 Conclusion on toenail fungus

Ultimately, toenail fungus is an infection that is ridiculed by many. However, you should actually take the matter seriously and initiate consistent measures at an early stage. To remove nail fungus, you can use home remedies or take tablets. However, if you are looking for a herbal product, our Casida Nail Oil Repair & Protect is a suitable alternative. This provides you with an effective product that is manufactured in pharmacy quality and consistently stops toenail fungus.

7. natural products for the care & hygiene of athlete's foot and nail fungus

Further links on the topic: Nutrition for athlete's foot - article on the NDR website

Important note / disclaimer:

As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.

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