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Prevent nail fungus

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Almost one in three adults will struggle with nail fungus at least once in their lives. So unfortunately, the chances are pretty high that you will also contract it at some point in your life. Find out how you can prevent nail fungus and which products you can use.

Table of contents

1. where does the fungus lurk?

Fungi love damp places, such as shoes, showers, swimming pools and changing rooms. You can even contract nail fungus if family members or people in your immediate vicinity suffer from nail fungus. The fungal pathogen also lurks on towels and especially in slippers if you share them with people who are affected. The risk of infection is even high on carpets and bathroom mats. In addition, sweaty feet can also be the cause of nail fungus. In this case, you can prevent nail fungus with a plant-based foot and shoe deodorant such as the one from Casida.

2. why nail fungus prevention is so important

Nail fungus is not just an aesthetic defect, but a serious disease. The unpleasant disease can cause brittle nails and discolor them, which is why it must be treated consistently. Treating the nails often takes months and is laborious. If nail fungus is not recognized and treated, it can lead to the complete loss of the nail. It is therefore better to prevent nail fungus. If you are aware of the risks of infection and reduce the risk of fungal infection through your behavior, you can successfully prevent nail fungus.

3. how can I prevent nail fungus?

There are many things you can do to prevent nail fungus. If you integrate the following measures into your everyday life, the fungal pathogen has no chance:

  • Regularly wash your feet with pH-neutral soaps and don't forget to dry your feet thoroughly after cleaning. It is also important to cut your toenails regularly and care for them accordingly.
  • It is not uncommon for small injuries to occur on the feet due to tight shoes or additional strain. Try to avoid these or at least cover them, for example when visiting public swimming pools. It is precisely these small injuries through which the fungal pathogens can penetrate the skin and nails. You should therefore avoid wearing shoes that are too tight or ill-fitting and instead choose socks and shoes that are permeable to air.
  • If you want to prevent nail fungus, you should avoid walking barefoot in swimming pools, changing rooms, saunas or similar warm and humid places. It is best to wear suitable bathing shoes and avoid foot showers altogether.
  • A warm and humid climate in shoes increases the risk of nail fungus, which is why you should change and clean your shoes regularly. With a good foot spray, you can easily maintain the hygiene of your shoes and protect your skin from fungal pathogens. The plant-based foot and shoe deodorant and the plant-based foot spray BioFit from Casida use high-quality plant-based oils to ensure that bacteria and fungi cannot grow.
  • If someone in your family or members of your household suffers from nail fungus, do not share slippers or towels with them. As a general rule, always wash socks and towels at a temperature of at least 60 degrees Celsius.
  • Last but not least, the immune system also plays an important role in preventing nail fungus. Strengthen your immune system with sufficient exercise and a balanced diet.

Further links on the topic:

Important note / disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.