
Acidosis - causes, symptoms, what helps?

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Our modern lifestyle can easily upset the sensitive acid-base balance. The result is hyperacidity of the tissue, which can manifest itself in numerous complaints. If the acid-base balance is already disturbed to this extent, the body can no longer establish a healthy balance on its own. What can be done? Read below about the causes of acidosis, the symptoms and illnesses that are promoted by it and the measures you can take yourself to restore your acid-base balance. Causes of acidosis - our unfavorable lifestyle One of the main causes of acidosis is our modern, unhealthy diet. We eat too many acid-forming foods every day and too few alkaline foods. The following foods over-acidify the body:
  1. Animal proteins such as meat, sausage, cheese, dairy products, milk, eggs, fish
  2. White sugar, desserts, sweet drinks
  3. White flour i.e. wheat bread, wheat pasta
  4. Coffee, black tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks
  5. Other factors: Nicotine, synthetic preservatives and colorants, synthetic sweeteners
Another point is the lack of physical exercise. More and more jobs are becoming "sedentary occupations". Gentle and conscious physical exercise such as walking, Qi Gong, yoga, stretching exercises or similar would be ideal. This is because relaxing reduces the acid load in the tissues. During strenuous sports or long muscle activities, lactate is formed (part of the lactic acid), which can lead to hyperacidity if it accumulates too much. Emotional factors such as stress, tension, anger, fear, rage or negative thinking can also contribute to tissue acidification. In Western conventional medicine, emotional factors are often underestimated, which is unfortunate for the health of patients. Stress hormones can cause muscles to shorten and cramp, which means that acids build up in the muscle - resulting in muscle acidosis. This can lead to neck, shoulder and back pain. It can also lead to joint blockages and restricted mobility, which stress-stricken people often suffer from. Another cause of acidosis is a lack of fluid intake, or more precisely water intake. Many people drink too little. How much should you drink? The simple rule of thumb is: 0.3 liters of fluid per 10 kg of body weight. With a body weight of 60 kg, this corresponds to drinking 1.8 liters a day. The ketone acids produced during diets also lead to an excess of acids in the body, which can no longer be absorbed by the body's own buffer systems. Chronic illnesses such as rheumatism, gout and diabetes and the long-term use of certain pain medication (e.g. anti-rheumatic drugs, acetylsalicylic acid) also put a strain on the acid-base balance. Acidosis symptoms If the acid-base ratio is out of balance, the acids are deposited in connective and fatty tissue, in muscles and tendons. The cells and organs can no longer function properly - there are disturbances in the supply and disposal of the cells, which is reflected in a decline in performance and resistance. Acidosis extends into the cells, which are no longer able to eliminate acids and absorb bases. The fine balance is upset. The metabolism in the cells can no longer run unhindered. This leads to a lack of energy. Chronic illnesses can gradually develop. Numerous diseases and symptoms are favored by hyperacidity: - Painful conditions - allergies - arthrosis - High blood pressure - depression - diabetes - Circulatory disorders - Cardiovascular diseases - cancer - Migraine, headache - Muscle and bone atrophy - Muscle cramps - Kidney disorders - Osteoporosis - Rheumatic diseases - Sleep disorders - Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) Self-test: Am I hyperacidic? Find out with just a few questions whether you have an increased risk of hyperacidity.
  • Do you often feel tired and listless, perhaps even listless and in a bad mood?
  • Do you struggle with recurring infections or never feel really fit?
  • Do you feel stressed easily and find it difficult to concentrate on one topic for long periods of time?
  • Is your digestion giving you a hard time?
  • Do you suffer from constipation, diarrhea, bloating, nausea?
  • Do you have occasional headaches?
  • Do your skin and eyes lack a glow? Are your nails brittle? Is your skin rather pale and are there dark shadows under your eyes?
  • Do you have hair loss, water retention or orange peel skin?
  • Do you occasionally have heartburn?
  • Are you not losing weight despite adapting your diet?
  • Do you frequently eat bread, pasta, rice, cheese, yoghurt or quark, sausage, meat and rarely fruit, vegetables and salad?
  • Do you drink less than 2 liters of water or unsweetened tea a day?
  • Do you drink coffee every day?
  • Do you have muscle and joint complaints?
  • Do you take medication regularly?
If you can answer yes to more than three of these questions, it is very likely that you suffer from hyperacidity. Acidosis - what helps quickly? The best way to avoid acidosis is to eat an alkaline-rich diet. This can take the form of a temporary alkalizing diet. However, to change your eating habits in the long term, you should start in small steps and replace more and more acid-forming foods with alkaline-forming foods. Foods with an acidic pH value - reduce or completely avoid these acid-forming foods:
  • Sugar and sweets
  • White flour products
  • Meat and sausage
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Coffee and caffeinated drinks
Foods with an alkaline pH value - increase the proportion of these alkalizers!
  • Salad
  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • Potatoes
  • herbs
  • spices
  • Mushrooms
Übersäuerung - Überblick saure und basische Lebensmittel What else you can do to bring the acid-base ratio into a healthy balance: Base therapeutics An alkaline diet can be supplemented with alkaline therapy products in the form of food supplements. Suitable alkaline powders supply the body with alkaline minerals and valuable trace elements. Look out for high-quality products from the pharmacy with a balanced composition that effectively deacidify and are free from additives such as preservatives, colorants and flavorings. Bitter substances Industrial foods hardly contain any bitter substances. They have been bred out for reasons of taste. However, bitter substances are "bitterly necessary" for deacidification: they bind acids and ensure that they are excreted. Natural bitter substances from dandelion, ribwort plantain or other wild herbs are rarely found on the menu today and are therefore a useful food supplement, e.g. in the form of bitter capsules. Alkaline baths Full or foot baths with strongly alkaline bath additives (e.g. Epsom salt or baking soda) can help with deacidification. The application is very simple: - To start, use the alkaline baths 2 to 4 times a week and then continue 1 time a week - The water temperature should be between 37 and 40°C - An alkaline bath requires a bathing time of 30 - 60 minutes, as acid excretion via the skin only starts after 30 minutes - Important: drink enough Magnesium This miracle mineral is important for the reduction of tissue acidification, among other things. However, magnesium deficiency is widespread and can be associated with hyperacidity. Supplementing your diet with magnesium can therefore be useful. When making your choice: The organic compounds magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate are particularly bioavailable. The magnesium powder should be free from flavorings, sugar, sweeteners, lactose, gluten, yeast, preservatives, anti-caking agents and colorants. Magnesium-rich bath salts and magnesium oil also offer the possibility of external application. Pharmacist Alexander Helm > Alexander Helm is a licensed pharmacist (Martin Luther University) and founder of Casida. His vision is to combine pharmacy and naturopathy to create natural health products that use the power of nature to improve people's health. Important note / Disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.