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Home remedies for headaches

Home remedies for headaches instead of painkillers? Find out which tricks you can use to treat headaches quickly and naturally and what you need to bear in mind.

Table of contents

    1 When can I use home remedies for headaches?

    There are different types of headache that affect different areas of the head. The International Headache Society even distinguishes between 200 types of headache. Tension headaches are the most common type. Headaches can occur in the neck, behind the forehead or at the temples and can feel dull, stabbing or pounding. If you use natural home remedies for mild to moderate pain, the problem can be contained quickly before the pain becomes more severe. Natural home remedies such as peppermint oil can relieve headaches after a sleepless night or a stressful day at work without putting any strain on the body. However, if the headache lasts longer and is very severe, the causes must be clarified with a doctor.

    2 Which home remedies help against headaches?

    3. coffee

    Probably the best-known home remedy for headaches is coffee - and rightly so. Especially those who suffer from low blood pressure often turn to coffee when they have a headache. Caffeine constricts the blood vessels and thus increases blood pressure. The resulting headaches also disappear. However, the positive effect is usually only noticeable in people who do not drink coffee regularly and in small quantities.

    4. peppermint oil

    Several studies have shown* that the pain-relieving effects of peppermint oil are comparable to those of paracetamol. Peppermint oil is particularly fast and reliable for tension headaches, which can disappear after just 15 to 30 minutes. However, it is important that it is a natural peppermint oil of the appropriate quality. Peppermint oil from Casida is a 100% natural essential oil that is ideal as a home remedy for headaches. To use, simply apply the peppermint oil to the forehead and temples. Applying peppermint oil activates the body's own pain defense system, improves blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. In addition to headaches, peppermint oil also relieves cold symptoms as it has a mild antibacterial, analgesic and expectorant effect. Peppermint oil therefore belongs in every medicine cabinet.

    5. willow bark

    Willow bark is a tried and tested household remedy for headaches, as the salicylates it contains have a similar effect to the painkiller acetylsalicylic acid. To avoid the bitter taste, take the herbal home remedy for headaches in the form of tablets or capsules.

    6. relaxation

    Relaxation is one of the best home remedies for headaches caused by stressful situations. All home remedies that provide relaxation can also be used to combat headaches. These include so-called mental sunbathing. Try it out and simply lie down. Close your eyes and concentrate on different parts of your body - from your feet to your legs, back, arms, chest and head. Play the thoughts "My feet are getting really warm..." in your head until the feeling of warmth sets in.

    7. ginger

    Ginger is an excellent home remedy for headaches, as its plant substances can counteract the pain. However, relaxation also plays an important role here. It is best to prepare yourself a ginger tea and enjoy it in peace and quiet while you let your mind wander. This home remedy for headaches should start to work after just 15 minutes.

    8. exercise

    Many people tend to lie down straight away when they have a headache. But this is a mistake, especially with tension headaches. The exact opposite should help with this type of headache - namely exercise. The reason for this is that tension headaches are mainly caused by tension in the neck. So get out into the fresh air and go for a walk! This will not only get rid of your headache, but also relieve a lot of stress. Your brain is supplied with oxygen while your head is "unloaded" from stress and tension and the headache should disappear. Here's an important tip: don't think about stressful situations when you go for a walk. Instead, concentrate on your breathing and being aware of your surroundings. Choose a beautiful park or forest where there is no traffic and not so many people.

    9. heat

    Exposure to heat is an excellent home remedy for headaches, as it relaxes muscles. This is especially true for tension headaches. You can use a pillow or compress to apply heat to your neck. A warm shower jet on the back of the neck is also an effective home remedy for headaches. A hot bath can also help, as this relieves tension and promotes blood circulation. If you also choose rosemary as a bath additive, for example, you will increase the effect. Another tried and tested household remedy for headaches is hay flowers, which relax the muscles when added to the bath. However, caution is advised when taking a hot bath, as blood pressure could drop. If you want to be on the safe side, only take a warm foot bath instead.

    10. cold

    Cold is also an effective home remedy for headaches, e.g. after working at a computer screen for a long time. You can simply place a cold washcloth or cold gel pad on your temples or forehead for a few minutes to reduce the perception of pain. This promotes blood circulation and counteracts the headache.

    Note: However, if the headache lasts longer and is very severe, the causes must be clarified with a doctor. Sleep disorders can often also lead to headaches. You can find more information about sleep problems and headaches at

    *Source: "Tension headache: peppermint oil is on a par with other analgesics" in: Deutsches Ärzteblatt 1996; 93(23): A-1522 / B-1278 / C-1196

    Important note / Disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.