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Swiss stone pine oil - the power of the high Alps

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Swiss stone pine essential oil (also known as Swiss stone pine oil) is extracted from the wood and needles of the Swiss stone pine. The Swiss stone pine is a robust tree that grows in the high Alps and can grow up to 25 meters. Due to its resilience, this wood is often used to make beds and tables, as well as many other items. The positive effect of the scent of Swiss stone pine on the human organism has been known for centuries. The warm, balsamic scent of Swiss stone pine has always been used to repel vermin and soothe the soul.

Table of contents

    1. how Swiss stone pine oil is extracted

    Around 100 kilograms of plant material are required for 1 liter of Swiss stone pine oil - i.e. needles, cones and pure wood, from which pure essential oil is extracted by steam distillation. However, no trees need to be felled for the production of Swiss stone pine oil, as sawmills produce a lot of conifer, cone and wood waste for the production of furniture anyway, which is then used for distillation.

    2 Health benefits and other effects

    The effects of Swiss stone pine wood are manifold. The wood is said to alleviate stress, cold and flu symptoms and ensure a peaceful night's sleep. It has an invigorating, antidepressant and detoxifying effect, binds bad odors and purifies the air we breathe. It also relieves nerve pain, increases concentration, deepens breathing, has a blood-purifying, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. As an anti-inflammatory, Swiss stone pine oil is therefore used as a massage oil for muscles and muscle tension. The list of positive effects of this oil seems almost endless, although in most cases even a small dosage is completely sufficient. Internal use is best discussed with your doctor. Swiss stone pine oil can also be used to repel insects: Simply use the oil pure or mix it with lavender, tea tree or eucalyptus - and you can relax in nature or at home without insect attacks.

    3. stone pine oil as aromatherapy

    Swiss stone pine oil can also be used as aromatherapy in a fragrance lamp or vaporizer. You can use it pure or in combination with other essential oils. Citrus scents such as orange, lemon or mandarin are particularly suitable for this purpose. This combination has a particularly positive effect on a relaxed sense of well-being. You can also use the oil for inhalation, for example by combining it with a relaxing bath. This is particularly recommended for colds, flu and other respiratory problems, but also for muscle pain and relaxation. Simply add a mixture of three to five drops of Swiss stone pine oil with cream or honey to your bath water and you can relax and enjoy the healing effect.

    4. our tip: Swiss stone pine oil from Casida

    Do something good for your health and well-being with the all-natural Casida Swiss stone pine oil. This 100% natural essential oil increases vital energy and has a calming and generally health-promoting effect. Casida Swiss stone pine oil is recommended for stress and sleep disorders, but also for fatigue or colds. However, you can also use it to purify the air in the room and to repel ticks and mosquitoes. Casida Swiss stone pine oil is free from genetic engineering and chemical additives and is therefore ideal for aromatherapy and aroma blends. It can also be used with an aroma diffuser. If you suffer from insomnia and stress or are struggling with anxiety and poor concentration, you should definitely try the calming and invigorating effect of all-natural Casida Swiss stone pine oil. In combination with an aroma diffuser, you will finally be able to really relax again.

    Further information: https://independent.academia.edu/HelmAlexander

    Important note / disclaimer: As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.