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Make your own beard oil - natural beard care with purely plant-based ingredients

Using rosemary oil for the hair Reading Make your own beard oil - natural beard care with purely plant-based ingredients 7 minutes Next Positive effect of essential oils against hospital germs

Beards will probably never go out of fashion. Whether you like a three-day beard or a full beard, a long or short moustache - today, anything goes. The only important thing is that the beard is well-groomed and you feel comfortable with it. There are now also numerous special products for beard care. We'll show you how you can easily make high-quality, purely plant-based beard oil yourself.

Table of contents

    1. what functions does a beard perform?

    Beards have been around for as long as humans have existed, as beard growth is a completely natural occurrence. Biologists and anthropologists assume that the actual function of the beard is primarily to give men a sense of dominance and self-confidence. According to numerous studies, men with a healthy beard appear more masculine, inspire more confidence, appear more competent and are often associated with wisdom.

    Nowadays, however, the beard primarily has a decorative function. The beard can also be used to easily conceal certain disadvantages such as scars or to emphasize certain parts of the face or advantages. However, many men simply want to avoid daily shaving and the associated skin irritation and deliberately grow a beard.

    2 Why is beard care so important?

    Proper and appropriate care of beard hair is perhaps even more important than regular hair care. Many people's facial skin is more sensitive than their scalp, so inadequate care can cause skin irritation and inflammation under the beard hair, which can lead to beard hair falling out, pain and serious skin problems.

    Beard hair, like head hair, should be trimmed regularly to maintain its shape. They should also be washed and combed regularly, as the hair itself can harbor many bacteria, germs, skin flakes and impurities, which can lead to skin diseases if hygiene is inadequate.

    As beard hair often causes itching, it is important to provide the hair and the skin underneath with sufficient moisture in order to keep both the skin and the hair healthy. Today, there is a whole host of different beard oils and other products that care for the skin and hair and keep it supple.

    You can use shampoos and conditioners of your choice to wash your beard hair, although there are also numerous specially developed beard shampoos on the market.

    3. which beard care product is right for me?

    With so many beard care products available, it's easy to get confused. On the one hand, the advertisements often promise too much and on the other hand, some products are also very expensive. Although some products have a very pleasant and appealing fragrance, you are not always sure whether the ingredients are really natural and pure. After all, we should all reduce our consumption of chemically manufactured products in order to protect the environment.

    Many people are therefore on the lookout for a simple, safe and gentle skincare product that doesn't cost too much but still delivers the expected results. Although most skincare products can be made in-house, many are reluctant to do so and find the whole process expensive and inconvenient. Many are also skeptical that the product will not provide the effect they need.

    We'll tell you how you can make your own beard oil and not miss out on any of the expected and desired benefits.

    4 Why make your own beard oil?

    The effectiveness and composition of natural essential oils have been known since time immemorial. They can initiate positive processes in the body, strengthen the immune system and supply the body with important vitamins and minerals. They also provide your skin and hair with natural moisture and keep them looking shiny, supple and young for a long time. They also have an antibacterial effect, heal wounds and reduce itching. Last but not least, their fragrance is pleasant, relaxing, refreshing and invigorating.

    Essential oils cost only a fraction of the price of ready-made care products from the store and pay off considerably in the long term.

    So if you decide to make your own beard oil, you can choose natural and pure ingredients with proven quality and effectiveness. Making your own beard oil is quite simple and by choosing specific essential oils and their dosage, you can customize your beard hair care to your own wishes and needs.

    5. how can I make my own beard oil?

    The following is an uncomplicated and proven method for making your own all-natural beard oil and saving money in the long term. All you need is almond oil and the essential oils of lavender, frankincense, cedar and orange.

    The almond oil that you use as a carrier oil nourishes and regenerates your skin. It is therefore also suitable for use on sensitive skin. The blend of lavender, frankincense, cedar and orange essential oils has an antibacterial effect, promotes healing and moisturizes your skin. The oils also have a wonderful fragrance, both individually and in combination.

    This is how it's done:

    • Take a glass container that closes well (preferably a pump bottle with a dispenser)
    • Pour in 30 ml of almond oil
    • Add 2 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of frankincense oil, 3 drops of cedar oil and 3 drops of orange oil
    • Close the container and shake everything vigorously so that the different oils mix well

    Once everything is well mixed, you can use the beard oil immediately: Apply a few pumps to your fingertips and massage the beard oil in. The beard oil will give your beard a grounding, masculine scent and your beard hair and the skin underneath will be smooth and shiny.

    You can easily make your own beard oil and then store it in a cool, dark place for several weeks - in the fridge for up to three months.

    6. use rosemary oil as beard oil

    Is it too inconvenient to buy all the ingredients separately? But you still want an all-natural product? Then the new Rosemary Oil Hair & Scalp is just the thing for you!

    It is a ready-mixed hair oil that is also ideal as a beard oil. It nourishes and strengthens beard hair with the power of nature, supports strong beard growth and nourishes facial skin. In addition to rosemary oil, the oil also contains mint oil, tea tree oil and the rich plant oils of castor, almond and coconut, as well as wheat germ oil. The essential oils of rosemary, mint and tea tree activate the hair roots. Castor oil is a classic for stimulating hair growth. Rosemary oil is therefore the right choice if you want a purely natural leave-in treatment for your beard.

    As pharmacists, we share our pharmaceutical expertise and wealth of naturopathic experience in the Casida guide. An individual diagnosis and consultation is necessary in every case. Therefore, this offer cannot replace medical advice. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor.