Casida GmbH is one of the major manufacturers of herbal remedies and health products in Germany. Since the company’s establishment its natural products have caught the attention of the country’s health-conscious public, professional users, therapists and fellow pharmacists, and they have been introduced and recommended by numerous health magazines and publications.
Casida – from the nature, for the people
Our story
Casida GmbH is one of the major manufacturers of herbal remedies and health products in Germany. Since the company’s establishment its natural products have caught the attention of the country’s health-conscious public, professional users, therapists and fellow pharmacists, and they have been introduced and recommended by numerous health magazines and publications.
Casida – from the nature, for the people
Schon seit den 1980er Jahren beschäftigte sich Apothekerin Ute Helm mit den Wirkstoffen von Heilpflanzen, ihren Zubereitungsformen und deren Wirkung auf unser Wohlbefinden. Ihr Sohn Alexander Helm, ebenfalls Apotheker, übernahm diese Einstellung zur Natur und gründete 2016 Casida, um dieses Wissen in hochwertigen Produkten auf den Markt zu bringen.
Pharmazeutisches Know-how und langjährige Erfahrung fließen in die verschiedenen Gesundheitsprodukte ein – von rein pflanzlichem Nagelöl bei Nagelpilz über Magnesium und hochwertige Nahrungsergänzungsmittel bis hin zu innovativen Beautyprodukten mit Retinol und Hyaluron – Inhaltsstoffe höchster Qualität werden ausgewählt und für die gewünschte Wirkung harmonisch aufeinander abgestimmt.
Damit hat Casida eine breite Palette an Produkten geschaffen, die gesundheitsbewusste und naturverbundene Menschen jeden Alters durch alle Lebensphasen begleiten.
Sustainable health made in Germany
Wir glauben an die Qualität und Reinheit der Natur. Aus diesem Grund verzichten wir nicht nur auf chemische Zusatzstoffe wie Farb-, Duft- und weitgehend auf Konservierungsstoffe, sondern verwenden so oft wie möglich Zutaten in Bioqualität. Ein Großteil der Produkte ist vegan und damit Wegbegleiter für eine zukunftsfähige Lebensweise. Fast alle Produkte von Casida werden am Firmenstandort in der Wirtschaftsregion Westsachsen regional und tierversuchsfrei hergestellt – Gesundheit made in Germany.
Was uns antreibt: Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden liegen uns am Herzen. In allen Lebensphasen möchten wir Sie mit unseren Produkten begleiten und begeistern. Natürlichkeit, Ganzheitlichkeit, Innovation, Sicherheit und Vertrauen sind unsere zentralen Werte.
Since 1980s, German pharmacist Ms. Ute Helm has been exploring the effect of active ingredients in therapeutic plants, their preparation as well as their effects on our well-being. Mrs Helm’s son, Alexander Helm – also a pharmacist – overtook this vision and founded Casida in 2016, with the aim of delivering these knowledge to people through high-quality products.
Years of experience and pharmaceutical know-how can be found in various healthcare products – from pure herbal nail oil for nail fungus remedy, to magnesium and other high-quality nutritional supplements, to the innovative skincare products with retinol and hyaluronic acid – in which ingredients with highest quality are selected and thoughtfully used to achieve the desired effect.
Now Casida has created a broad range of products, with the aim of accompanying the health-conscious, nature-aligned people through every stage of life.
Sustainable health made in Germany
We believe in quality and purity of nature. Therefore we do not use chemical or synthetic colorings, fragrances or preservatives, and organic-grade ingredients will be used when possible. Most of their products is vegan, for leading a sustainable lifestyle. Most of the products from Casida are manufactured in the economic region of west Saxony, and no animal testing is involved in all stage of production and distribution – Healthiness Made in Germany.
Our driving forces: Your health and well-being are always on our mind. We would like to support and delight you in every stage of life with our products. Naturalness, integrity, innovation, safety and reliability are our core values.
Our quality pledge
100% Pure and Natural
Casida products leverage the power of nature. We avoid using chemical-synthetic additives such as fragrances, colourings and preservatives.
Products in pharmacy quality
Our products are developed by pharmacists and hence all Casida products are in highest pharmacy quality.
Naturally animal-friendly
In accordance with EU law, our products are of course free of animal testing and all Casida products are PETA certified.
Our quality pledge
100% Pure and Natural
Casida products leverage the power of nature. We avoid using chemical-synthetic additives such as fragrances, colourings and preservatives.
Products in pharmacy quality
Our products are developed by pharmacists and hence all Casida products are in highest pharmacy quality.
Naturally animal-friendly
In accordance with EU law, our products are of course free of animal testing and all Casida products are PETA certified.