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Was tun bei Babyschnupfen

Baby sniffles - what to do?

A baby's first cold often occurs in the first few weeks of life. The young body's immune system f...
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Antivirale Mundspülung gegen Corona - aus naturreinen ätherischen Ölen

Antiviral mouthwash - does it protect against coronavirus?

A wide range of measures are in place to contain the further spread of the coronavirus and keep i...
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Haare schneller wachsen lassen

Growing hair faster - biotin as a miracle cure?

Biotin for hair - these are the benefits of the vitamin Hair loss, thin or brittle hair can be qu...
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Vitamin B12 Lebensmittel Casida Vitamin B12 Tropfen – 50 ml 16672003 PZN Apotheke hochdosiert Immunsystem vegan

Vitamin B12 foods - where is the most in it?

Vitamin B12 is perhaps less well known than vitamin C, but it is no less important. It supports m...
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Akupressur bei Husten & Heiserkeit

Acupressure for coughs & hoarseness

Who hasn't experienced that nagging cough that can occur as a single symptom or in combination...
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Natron gegen Erkältung

Baking soda for colds

Taking baking soda for colds is a tried and tested household remedy that has been around since ti...
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Zahnfleischentzündung Hausmittel

Proven household remedies for gum inflammation

Inflammation of the gums is also known medically as gingivitis and can have several causes. The a...
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Die 5 beste Tipps für eine gesunde Mundflora Blog

The 5 best tips for healthy oral flora

If teeth don't look good, are painful or even missing, the quality of life suffers in several ...
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Kurbäder mit Bittersalz Eukalyptus Lavendel Mandelöl

Epsom salt - a tried and tested beauty & healing remedy

Epsom salt has long been an insider tip for well-being and beauty among stars and celebrities. Th...
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